Route Scout – February

Congratulations to our January Route Scout winner, Breden Resnick! 

Now, it’s time for the second mystery box in the MITS Route Scout competition (Click here for more information about Route Scout)! We will reveal a photo of a painted traffic signal control box every week on social media and post a monthly clue package on the MITS website.

One lucky winner will walk away with a prize package filled with local goodies from MITS, Debbie’s Handmade Soap, & Muncee Meats!

How to Play:

  1. Look at MITS social media posts
  2. Guess which MITS bus route OR intersection the featured box sits on
  3. Submit guess at (All correct entries will be entered to win) 

BONUS: For another chance to win, take a selfie with the painted box and post it on social media with the #routescoutmuncie

The prize for this month is: MITS Swag, Goodies from Debbie’s Handmade Soap, and a Gift card to Munsee Meats! 

February Route Scout Box Clue Package

This box is un-FUR-getable! The artist really went for the feline perspective! If you stare long enough you may even hear the strains to Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1981 hit musical. The bus route that runs by this box is filled with larger than life sights! The child-sized kingdom of Burris Backyard, the dauntingly stoic St. Mary Catholic Church, and the extra-large Paul Bunyan statue all sit passively by as MITS buses roll along. Finally, this route also runs parallel to the beautiful new Silver Birch Living Center. Are you getting any ideas yet? We’ve only scratched the surface! Better not wait too long if you want to win this month’s prize! 

Don’t forget, anyone can play! You don’t have to ride the bus to submit a guess. 

Good luck route scouts, this is a great op-PURR-tunity!

This box will be in play from Wednesday, February 3rd – Wednesday, February 24th. The Winner will be announced Friday, February 26th. 3 entries maximum per person (1 for the route #, 1 for the intersection, and 1 for the selfie)

Your chance to win here: