Accessible Taxi Voucher

Wheelchair-accessible, taxi-like transportation. Outside MITSPlus service area, it is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. Inside the MITSPlus service area, it is available whenever MITSPlus is not available. No restrictions on trip purposes. Service is limited to customers who are certified as disabled through MITSPlus. Trips must begin and end in Delaware County. Voucher Service is available with a voucher only. Vouchers cost $10 each. Vouchers will increase to $12 on Monday, March 4, 2024. Vouchers are sold at MITS offices. Customers may also purchase vouchers by mail. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with payment to MITS. Customers may also purchase vouchers on the phone with a debit or credit card. There is a 50¢ handling charge.

To request a ride call Eaton EMTs

(765) 396-9483
24 hours a day / 365 days a year

Vouchers – MITS

1300 E Seymour St
Muncie, IN 47032
(765) 282 – 2762
Mon-Fri, 8A-5P