Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Muncie Public Transportation Corporation, 1300 East Seymour Street, Muncie, Indiana 47302 until 8:30 a.m., Friday, May 31st, 2024, at which time and place bids will be opened and publicly read aloud.
The bid(s) are for:
The lease of heavy-duty radial transit coach tires and accessories.
Detailed specifications and further information may be obtained from the Muncie Indiana Transit System, 1300 East Seymour Street, Muncie, Indiana 47302, telephone (765) 282-2762, option #4.
Addendum: 01 This addendum is being issued after documents have been filed with governing agencies and prior to the award. The modification included herein shall be incorporated into the Transit Tire Lease Specification, Project NO. MITS-IN-2024-1.This addendum is issued in accordance with the provisions of the instruction to bidders section of the project manual. All bids shall be based upon modification by this addendum. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This addendum forms part of the contract documents.
Revisions to the following: Termination of Convenience – Section 2.21.1. Page 39:
“along with the remaining value of tread on leased tires mounted on buses and spare stock”
was added to the first sentence of the last paragraph.Tire and Accessory Furnished – Section 3.2. Page 51:
Was added to the first sentence of the first paragraph between “all” and “Federal”.Safety Certification – Section 3.10 Page 52:
Was added to the first sentence of the first paragraph between “all” and “Federal”.Tire Test – Section 3.14. Page 53:
“The Contractor shall not be responsible for any warranties or services related to any such test tire from companies other than the Contractors.”