Over the course of the next few weeks there will be road construction throughout Muncie. Please be patient with us and check our website or our app for any major road construction updates.
Also be prepared to experience some delays due to minor construction throughout Muncie, there may be one lane traffic so you could experience some delays. Below you will find the routes that are impacted by the construction:
Route 14 – Walmart North/Riverside Detouring inbound Bethel to New York to Riverside back to Reserve. This will be now through July 29th.
Route 16 – Walmart North/University Detouring inbound Bethel to New York to Neely back to McKinley. This will be now through July 29th.
Route 3 – Northwest Plaza Detouring outbound Jackson to Mulberry to Gilbert to High to Wheeling
Routes 1, 14 and 16 will also have adjustments from August 10 through August 21 for installation of storm sewer at the intersection of North/Reserve/Meeks. There will be additional information coming soon regarding these detours.
Thank you for your patience during this time!