MITS and the Community – We Want to Interact with You!

MITS, wants to speak with your group/neighborhood association.  Staff learned a lot from the 2019 Market Research Study.  We appreciate all of the great input we received.  In particular, we have learned that many people recognize our name, but don’t how much about our organization.

If the riders in our community don’t feel that they know MITS that well, then chances are MITS doesn’t know our riders well enough.  In an effort to rectify this situation, MITS would be delighted to attend your (council, community, neighborhood, etc.) meeting.  The Assistant General Manager and one of our board members would provide a brief background on MITS and what we are currently focusing on, but more importantly, we want to hear what our riders are experiencing.

The more connections we are able to make throughout the community, the more we can accomplish.  Please contact Amanda Price, at, or simply click here to set-up a time when we can speak to, but more importantly, hear from your group.