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Developer Content

Muncie Public Transportation Systems GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) can be used for software developers wishing to make software related to transit.  It contains static information on the routes of the Muncie Public Transportation system (MITS) in Muncie Indiana.  Please review and understand out Terms of Use. Muncie Public Transportation System Terms of Use Muncie…

Benefits of Transit

The Savings Win It’s been proven that taking public transportation saves people time and money. When the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) studied areas similar to Muncie – where bus services are available to commuters – they observed the following: Per year, riders saved: 4,400 miles of driving 223 gallons of gas 273 hours stuck…

Title VI Compliance

Notification of Protection Under Title VI As a recipient of financial assistance from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Muncie Public Transportation Corporation, doing business as Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS), is required to notify the public of the protections against discrimination afforded to them by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964…

Photo Gallery

MITS Drivers enjoying time on Ball State’s campus during freshman orientation A quick view of where the trolley sleeps at night Muncie Mayor Dennis Tyler enjoying time on the trolley The Route 5 bus making a stop at transfer to pick up and drop off passengers Students from the Erskine-Green Training Institute taking a MITS…


MITS Board of Directors meetings are held on the Thursday following the first Monday of a new month at 8:30 a.m. in the conference room at 1400 E. Seymour Street, Muncie, IN 47302. The public is welcome at these meetings. 2024 Board Meetings: January 4, 2024 February 8, 2024 March 7, 2024 April 4, 2024…

Rider Courtesy

For the benefit and safety of everyone who uses MITS vehicles and MITS Station, we ask that you follow these rules. Behavior which disturbs others, is unsafe, or causes damage is not allowed on MITS property or vehicles. Examples of behavior which will not be allowed include profanity, horseplay, excessive noise, skateboarding, and littering. Pedestrians…

Bike ‘n’ Ride

Bike ‘n’ Ride makes riding MITS easier than ever. It doesn’t matter whether you bike because the stop is too far to walk or if you ride for the fun of it. Just pedal to the nearest bus stop and MITS will be there to pick you up with your bike. Bike racks are available…

Your First Bus Ride

Although your first ride may make you feel a little apprehensive, it’s really easy. Here’s what you do. Route & Schedule Information First you’ll need route and schedule information. Call 765 289-MITS (289-6487) and be ready to tell the operator: Where you are Where you want to go, and When you want to get there.…

Days & Hours of Service

Many routes do not operate during the evening hours. Check individual schedules for exact starting and ending times. MITS does not operate on these holidays: New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day (4th of July) Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Real time customer information is available. Check it out here.