Employee Spotlight: Alvie Sargent

As the Director of Safety, Security, and Training, Alvie Bertram is in charge of training each and every driver on the MITS staff.

Alvie began working at MITS in 1977 as a driver. He first heard about the job when two MITS employees discussed their need for filling a two-hour slot in the bussing schedule in the restaurant he owned. Immediately he agreed to take the job and began to follow the two men across the street to the MITS headquarters. “They asked me what I was doing and I said I was going over to drive the bus,” said Alvie, adding that the men laughed, originally believing him to be joking, but then walked him across the street for his background check and driving test. Once it had been confirmed that Alvie was a good candidate for the job he began driving during that two-hour spot.

For twenty years, Alvie, was a MITS driver, starting with the two-hour shift and eventually switching to full-time after he left the restaurant business. Then, in 1991 he became a supervisor and trainer for the drivers. Which he continues to oversee today.

As a trainer of twenty years and a previous driver, Alvie takes great pride in his job. One reason he loves working at MITS is because of the company’s dedication to improving the training of the employees. At MITS, there is a labor agreement which governs how the company treats their employees and guidebook is provided so each employee knows what kind of a standard they must meet. Not only that, but employees who make mistakes are made aware of that mistake and are given resources to correct them and a plan on how to handle that situation better in the future. “At MITS we try to ‘polish’ everybody. Make them a better employee,” said Alvie. “I like that.”

Another way that Alvie ensures that his trainees are well-informed is by talking about his experience as a driver. “I can tell them real life stories rather than just showing them a video,” said Alvie, explaining that this helps the drivers too. “In the mistakes I have made, I can help someone else to not [hopefully] make that mistake.” He also takes the time to listen to current driver’s experiences to stay up-to-date on current problems he may not have experienced. Doing both of these things allows both the drivers and Alvie to attempt to fix these issues.

Another reason Alvie has chosen to stay with MITS is because of how safe their bussing system is. Because MITS works under a “pulse” system where the buses all start and end at the main station. This makes the routes easier to navigate and safer for the passengers. Rather than having people change buses in the middle of nowhere, MITS riders are able to move from bus to bus in a central place. There, they can also find help and ask questions about the routes from the employee on duty.

Although Alvie didn’t originally seek out this job, he believes he is exactly where he needs to be. “You never know where life will take you,” said Alvie. For him, it was just a journey across the street. “I love people and I love serving people and I get to do that every day with MITS.”